WordPress: How the ‘Blogging’ Platform Became the Obvious Choice for Enterprise-Level Businesses

Woman opening a blog post on Wordpress

WordPress has reigned as one of the most popular content management systems for years. As of November 2023, 43% of all websites on the internet use WordPress. While it may have started as little more than a means to simplify blogging for people with limited technical knowledge, the platform has slowly changed over the last decade as large corporations began leveraging it as enterprises of the more diminutive variety.

WordPress Version 3.0 started this trajectory in 2010. It brought new functionalities (e.g., custom content types, custom taxonomies, and custom menus) to the CMS, allowing the solution to be used in various applications for enterprise-level websites. This shift underscored the benefits of WordPress for business, and more companies started entering the WordPress fray.

In 2016, WordPress capabilities expanded even further with REST API, a WordPress API integration that allowed for greater flexibility from and to the platform, making it applicable to enterprise-level sites and systems. The CMS can now be utilized on the back end for headless implementations, providing flexibility for the front end to use any technology.

This advancement eventually ushered in another big break in 2018 with Version 5.0. It offered an easier and cleaner editorial process, thanks to Gutenberg. It also opened the door to better website development, experiences, and presentations via React — and those are just a few of the most notable changes that led to WordPress becoming the platform of choice for small and big brands.

To truly understand the benefits of WordPress for business, let’s take a closer look at some of the most essential WordPress enterprise-level features and characteristics.

WordPress Scalability and Customization

Though WordPress scalability will at least partly depend on the performance features of the hosting provider, the system can scale with the growing needs of almost any business. Whether it’s an increase in traffic, content volume, or user interactions, its robust infrastructure and ability to integrate with third-party solutions help shoulder new demands. In fact, WordPress API integrations make it suitable for enterprises that rely on various systems and tools. Such flexibility enables the creation of comprehensive, interconnected digital ecosystems that can scale with operations.

How customizable is WordPress? Very. Enterprises can create tailored digital solutions to meet their business needs and align with their brand identity. With increasing theming options and plug-in capabilities, organizations can design unique, feature-rich websites and applications that tie directly to their product offerings.

WordPress Plug-Ins, Themes, and Integrations

The sheer volume of plug-ins now available offers enterprise-level organizations the opportunity for greater WordPress website personalization. The development process has been dramatically simplified. Instead of building complex features from scratch, a business can leverage existing solutions, saving time and money. Even SEO or analytics can be integrated into the system from the start.

More importantly, today’s plug-ins offer solutions to enhance website security and meet industry-specific compliance requirements, ensuring enterprises can protect their data and users. The best security plug-in for WordPress is still a matter up for debate, so it’s vital for any business using this type of plug-in to do its due diligence before arriving at a final decision.

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The system can also seamlessly integrate with a host of third-party services. Companies can connect their websites with various essential tools to streamline business processes and enhance the productivity of their teams, thereby improving the chances of success with the WordPress user experience. What if an organization needs to integrate a tool that doesn’t yet have a plug-in? Custom ones can always be created.

WordPress Content Creation and Management

Simplifying content creation and management is a goal all businesses strive for. WordPress, with its versatile platform, offers various solutions to achieve this. WordPress content creation plug-ins like Edit Flow or PublishPress enhance content creation by enabling teams to easily add, edit, and organize text, images, videos, and documents.

Beyond that, organizations can create custom content workflows and even go as far as to assign role-based permissions. In a matter of minutes, the leadership team can define specific roles and responsibilities for content creators, editors, and administrators; provide structure to the editorial workflow; and strengthen the quality control and compliance of all content coming out of the organization.

Managing and creating content becomes markedly more efficient with a WordPress project management plug-in or third-party management solution. Organizations can track progress, manage deadlines, and identify bottlenecks from a single interface.

WordPress Ongoing Innovation

One of the best benefits of WordPress for business is its active community of developers who continuously contribute to advancing the technology. Their collective knowledge and expertise have led to new WordPress capabilities, features, security enhancements, performance optimizations, and more, making the platform a reliable choice for any organization looking to stay competitive in the digital landscape.

The real beauty, however, is with all the advancements, WordPress doesn’t abandon the old for the new. The platform places a strong emphasis on maintaining backward compatibility. Updates and innovations are always designed to function seamlessly with existing websites and plug-ins. Organizations can confidently adopt the latest versions or features without fearing breaking their established online capabilities, ensuring continued success with the WordPress user experience. This makes it a dependable choice for long-term digital strategies.

To further leverage the power of WordPress’ capabilities and ensure your website stays updated, secure, and optimized, consider Ndevr. Our WordPress website maintenance services are designed to take the technical load off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what you do best: growing your business. Reach out to Ndevr today to ensure your WordPress site continues to serve as a strong digital foundation for your business.

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