Plugin Monday: BuddyPress

Plugin Monday: BuddyPress

Without a doubt, social media has had a larger influence on the business world than any other single factor of the past decade. Websites like Facebook and Twitter have proven the power of community networking for increasing exposure and traffic for your website. To this end BuddyPress, a WordPress plugin is available to assist you in easily and seamlessly elevating your webpage to a community website.

BuddyPress comes with several integrated features including user profiles, groups, internal messaging, notifications, forum integration and more. It’s designed to integrate directly with your website and can even integrate automatically with other plugins that you may already have installed. More information about the plugins BuddyPress integrates with can be found on the support forums here.

In addition to its many features, the plugin is extremely flexible in that it allows you to pick and choose the specific features you would like to use. It’s also completely open source and GPL licensed. Thanks to its thriving online community, new content is created and shared for the plugin regularly—meaning the list of features BuddyPress has access to is constantly growing.

If you’re interested in getting started with BuddyPress but aren’t sure how to optimize it for your use, or if you simply have any questions about how to increase the functionality of your website, please feel free to contact us today. With extensive experience in a wide range of technical fields, we at Ndevr have the expertise to help you find the solution to any issue you may have.

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